Thursday, April 21, 2011

Where Men Win Glory; The Journey!

I have learned a lot about my topic, the music Industry. The Music industry is an extremely hard place to start a business, career, or band. To be honest the hardcore, metal core and metal genres are extremely difficult and tedious to get known in. It takes an immense amount of effort to get your name out. I have learned that hard work and perserviernce really pay off, and if you strive hard yourself and your band will benefit from all that work in a great amount. My band has come a long way since Devin and I started it. In 2010 (early 2010) we created Separate the skies, and through many lineup changes style changes and just overall improvements. We have also come along way musically we individually have greatly improved and have become better players. I personally have come a long way with drumming not just with talent and skill but also believing in myself. My abilities have improved and so has my overall attitude in the band I know we can make it if we strive hard and don’t let up on this improvement we have been having. We have many future plans that overall will get us to one of my dreams….Playing warped tour. It honestly would just give me the sense of realization that we have made it and done something with our music. I love passion behind music and stories. So bring my music with passion to other kids is a dream of mine. Some of the things we have been planning are as followed. Where Men Win Glory is planning on recording EP it’s a 6 track EP we have been working on officially for about 2 months now…it will be amazing when it drops. Then this summer we are planning a tour with another band, friends of ours, Deadline for a Critic. We plan on going up the east coast of Florida all the way up to Georgia. We also are playing a show with a National Touring professional band called Decoder; they are on Rise Records that personally would be a sweet record company to get on so we hope to keep in touch with Decoder. We plan on playing many shows and are in the works for playing a festival. We are working slowly but surely. This band has taught me a lot about the music industry and also this Project has taught me to respect music more and hopefully showed my readers some of the hard work being in a hardcore band takes. It really is truly NOT just fun and games it is a difficult profession to start. Where Men Win Glory is on the rise and Devin and I are taking it there….pay attention keep an eye out and remember the name because Where Men Win Glory is going to make it one day May take a lot of work and time but one day it will happen. It is my dream and it is what I want to do with my life. Peace and Love

~Damien Thompson

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Emmure Vs The Acacia Strain

The Acacia Strain’s Vincent Bennett and Emmure’s Frankie Palmeri have now crossed the line of running their mouths. Apparently beating the crap out of one another at last night’s Emmure gig in Clifton Park changed things. To give you some background on each band well here it is.

The Acacia Strain is an American band from Springfield, Massachusetts. Even though the band is commonly classified as deathcore, the members of the band deny the label, and feel they are just "heavy". Originally founded in 2001, the band itself has undergone numerous changes in the member line-up. To date they have released five studio albums, as well as two split albums.

Emmure is an American deathcore band. They have had seven releases: two demos (Nine Eleven Zero Four, My Favorite Cat), one EP (The Complete Guide to Needlework), and four studio albums (Goodbye to the Gallows, The Respect Issue, Felony and Speaker of the Dead).Emmure released their latest album, Speaker of the Dead on February 15, 2011. On January 18, 2011, Emmure released a single from the album Demons with Ryu onto iTunes. On February 9, 2011, the music video for "Solar Flare Homicide" premiered. Speaker of the Dead debuted at #68 on the Billboard 200 and #11 on the top Independent Albums.

Emmure is truly a hardcore band, but TAS started this war saying "Emuure is trying to be us and they can’t, and Frankie has no skill" Vincent Bennett – lead vocals
Emmure then followed up by releasing a song entitled "R2 D**pthroat" The lyrics are straight out calling out TAS.
"So much for plagiarism
So much for you to waste your breath running your mouth
A rat race to the top
Sore losers never satisfied with what they've got"
I believe Emmure is way better but that is just my opinion. What do you think?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Matt G. My Idol
Matt G. tracking Drums for Messengers
Matthew Greiner was ten years old when he started his passion for drums. He grew up in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. His mom bought him a Ludwig snare when he was 12. He practiced everyday for two years. He practiced a lot of jazz style drumming on his pearl export kit. He started drumming for his church group for a few years. Then he grew fond of metal. He joined a punk band practiced a ton of times but they never played any shows. So matt quit and continued his search for the right band. When Matt was 16, he met up with two teens who shared a love for metal like he did. The kids were JB Brubaker and Brent Rambler, August Burns Red was formed two weeks later. They started writing their own music, playing shows, and recording CDs. After recording and releasing a self-titled five-song demo, they decided it was time to step up. They spent $720 on the next EP, Looks Fragile After All, and they signed to a local record label, CI Records, Soon after they started writing for their next full-length, Thrill Seeker. They then became signed to Solid State Records. Since Thrill Seeker’s release in 2005 they have been on tour non-stop. They released a second full-length record, Messengers, in 2007 and released a third full-length, Constellations in 2009. The band is currently tracking a fourth full-length record…not yet titled but personally I’m stoked for it.  Matt continues to practice daily and is truly an inspiration to me. I drum to become more like him because I know its possible to reach his level of skill and professionalism. “I’ve learned countless things about drumming in the past several years, including showmanship, technique, tuning, recording, and writing. But I’ve also learned crucial life lessons in touring full-time and living with four other dudes 24/7!” (Matt Greiner, Modern Drummer Magazine)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Victory Records FTW!

My band, “Where Men Win Glory”, has been working extremely hard lately. We have grown as a family and we are right now going to start working on our EP to record. We are all extremely talented and hardworking individual musicians who are serious about making it in the music industry. We have come along way and I have decided that I want to start preparing us for the next step in our Journey. I would like to get us signed to a Major Record Label, Victory Records.

The first steps in doing so are as follows:
1.     You need the right tools for the job, we need a good sound, original music and a hard-working good hearted band.
2.     You need to get together a Demo package. This Demo package includes videos of live performances Demo songs and photos of shows and the band.
3.     You can greatly increase the impact that your demo package will have by knowing exactly who your audience is. So learn this off that bat and make it sell-able for the record companies.
4.     Pick a Major Label in our case its Victory Records
5.     Next send them your package
6.     Maybe invite a rep. out to see one of your shows to catch a glimpse of your turn out and your live performance.
7.     Make sure you have a good idea of what you want out of a record deal and where you would like to go with your career.
8.     Once you have complete this send you demo out to other companies don’t just stick with one.
9.     After it all you wait, keep playing shows getting your name out then repeat the process later, you never know when and what labels are looking for.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Warped Tour 2011

This year warped tour announces the line-up for the US tour this summer. The Vans Warped Tour so far has a decent line-up in my opinion. They started off with a heavy set with such bands including: Abandon All Ships, Miss May I, The Acacia Strain, and Of Mice and Men. Then more soft groups were added the majority of the bands have had an Alternative feel to them.  These Bands include, Go Radio, The Summer Set, Every Avenue, and Hello Good Bye. Then The Techno hardcore bands came: I Set My Friends on Fire, Enter Shakari, Family Force 5 and mixed genre of Dance Gavin Dance. But Warped Tour did something different this year by introducing rap groups to the line-up. These rap groups threw many Warped fans for a loop. The rap groups included artists such as: Big-B and YelaWolf! In My opinion this year’s Vans Warped Tour is going to be a melting pot of amazing-ness. It will definitely be a great tour/festival that everyone should check out. The show is in Orlando in the fairgrounds on July 29th. But I am convinced that this year they aren’t done. I believe they are going to release more bands for headliners to shock people. To me these bands haven’t been to well known. The need more Main stage Material for this year. So stay tuned to hear any more announcements.

    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteWhere words fail, music speaks.”   
~Hans Christen Andersen 
I chose this qoute beacuase many people you music to express there feelings escpecially fans of the Warped Tour Bands.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Welcome Readers!
                What’s up? My name is Damien Thompson, I am seventeen years old and well music, it’s my life. When most people say it’s their life there mistaken. I was surrounded it by it when I was younger, my mom being a lyricist and my dad a professional drummer. I picked up drums when I was about 4 years old. I have been in marching band and school band playing drums ever since. I am going to write to you about some of the things that run through my head daily. The kind of stuff I think about and try to accomplish. I will give you updates on my band and on our mission to make on to warped tour 2012. I’m inspired to write lyrics rhythms and song ideas daily so ill most likely be posting some of that to, and maybe get some feedback from you readers? I will throw in some different issues going on in the news and maybe even some Video blogs showing what I do daily, or some of my goofy adventure I take part in. I am determined to be a music producer when I grow up so this will probably greatly influence my blog, it will not just be about one specific genre, I am also co producing a Rap label with some friends at their studio so that will also most likely be brought up. Music is a journey just like life. It has its ups and downs its’ sad and exciting moments. So if I can accomplish anything with this blog I hope it will be to broaden your ideas regarding music and your thoughts on the hard process of making it in a band, of any genre.  I have been surrounded by it and see that music is my, well it is my “everything”. This blog will hopefully make it become more important to people and at the same time describe who I am in a sense.